

Nacionalna Udruga za Fortifikacije (NUF)

The National Association for Fortifications (Nacionalna udruga za fortifikacije, abbreviated NUF), is the umbrella organization in Croatia founded for studying, dissemination and public information on practical architectural projects on the restoration of fortifications which are recognized as a valuable architectural heritage in the Republic of Croatia The National Association for Fortification was established in Zagreb, on the initiative of the International Fortress Council (IFC), and entered in the Register of Croatian Associations on 14 April 1999, (under the registration number 00001377).

Representative: Mr. Stepan Loncaric



Simon Stevin Vlaams Vestingbouwkundig Centrum

The Simon Stevin Vlaams Vestingbouwkundig Centrum is dedicated to the conservation, preservation and restoration of fortified sites (including landscaping and signage) and also the redesignation of historical fortifications like forts, ramparts, bunker lines and other types of fortification.

Specialised staff members deliver advice and are available for consultation in the area of the preservation, protection and restoration of our fortified buildings heritage.

Often we organise visits to forts and other fortifications at home and abroad. We publish the periodical « Vesting » and administer an extensive documentation centre. The Simon Stevin V.V.C. is firmly anchored via a network of local correspondents within the local authorities and the fortified heritage authorities.

The Werkgroep Moderne Fortificatie (WMF) is a section of the Simon Stevin V.V.C. which is specialised in the latest generation of fortifications like the Atlanticwall, the Maginot Line, the Westwall, the KW Line, the bunker lines from World War I a.o.

Representative: Mr. Luc Olyslager



Österreichische Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung

The Austrian Society for Fortification Research (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung – OeGF) was established to create a coherent scientific documentation about the Habsburgs’ monarchy fortification system between 1815 and 1918

Covering the territory of 12 successor nations, this variety is also reflected by its members, who are specialising in certain regions and construction periods.

Another aim of the society is the usage of our research results for conservation/utilisation projects involving Austrian fortifications. The projects are supported on a professional level with the specialised know how of the OeGF..

Aside of this, our main instrument of communication is the OeGF website, where research results are presented in a very condensed way. Additionally our members are also involved in giving lectures or publishing books in order to increase the public awareness about Austro-Hungarian fortifications.

Representative: Dr. Reinfrid Vergeiner, Vizepräsident

Remise de la bannière centrale

Remise de la bannière centrale

Le 21 septembre 2013, la Société des Troupes de Forteresse de la Suisse Romande (STFSR) fêtait à Savatan le 100ème anniversaire de sa fondation.

A cette occasion, la Bannière du Comité central STFSR a été transmise à l’ASMEM afin que celle-ci en prenne respectueusement soin et la conserve dans les meilleures conditions possiblestransmission-banniere-reduitMonsieur Joël Pluquet, de la section Yverdon, a immortalisé ce moment émouvant.

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